Twizzlers Strawberry - 6 x 70 gram | bol (2025)


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Twizzlers is beroemd Amerikaans snoep met aardbeiensmaak. Heerlijk gezoet en geweldig als tussendoortje. Deze delicatesse wordt geïmporteerd uit Amerika.



glucosestroop, verrijkte tarwebloem (bloem, niacine, ijzer sulfaat, thiaminemononitraat, riboflavine, foliumzuur), suiker, maiszetmeel, palmolie, zout, kunstmatige aroma, citroenzuur, kunstmatige kleurstof (E129), mineraal olie, lecithine (soja).

Geen Nutri-Score

Glutenbevattende granen

Bijzondere Bewaarvoorschriften
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Fabrikant Naam
The Hershey Company

Fabrikant Adres
Hershey, PA USA

Land van oorsprong


Voedingswaarden (per 100g/ml)

Energie (kJ)
1495 kJ

Energie (Kcal)
357 kcal

Vetten, waarvan
0 g

- verzadigde vetzuren
0 g

- enkelvoudig onverzadigde vetzuren
0 g

- meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren
0 g

Koolhydraten, waarvan
78 g

- suikers
46 g

- polyolen
0 g

- zetmeel
0 g

0 g

0 g

0 g

Kenmerken Zoete snack

Soort snoep
Zacht snoep

Herkomst snoep

Internationaal snoep



Single item

420 g

Aantal artikelen in verpakking
6 stuk(s)

6 verpakkingen van Twizzlers á 70 gram

Verpakking lengte
5 cm

Verpakking breedte
18 cm

Verpakking hoogte
1.50 cm

70 g

Product gewicht
70 g

Verantwoordelijke marktdeelnemer in de EU

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Telefoonnummer verantwoordelijke marktdeelnemer in de EU
010 3003388

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Je vindt dit artikel in

  • Snoep
  • Snoep, koek, chocolade
  • Internationaal snoep
  • Zacht snoep
  • Amerikaans Snoep
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Prijsinformatie en bestellen

De prijs van dit product is 16 euro en 95 cent.16 95

Of bespaar 20% op de stuksprijs

als je er 4 koopt

2,83 per stuk

Uiterlijk 20 september in huis

Verkoop door

Candy Festival 8,1

Twizzlers Strawberry - 6 x 70 gram

16,95 verkoop door: Candy Festival

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3 x 14,41 43,23

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4 x 13,56 54,24

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Twizzlers Strawberry - 6 x 70 gram | bol (2025)


Are strawberry Twizzlers healthy? ›

If you're looking for something sweet every now and then as an occasional treat, then yes — one or two pieces of Twizzler won't hurt your health goals too much. However, if you find yourself eating multiple servings per day on a regular basis then no —Twizzlers are not a healthy option for your diet plan.

How many Twizzlers are in a serving size? ›

Nutrition Facts

There are 157 calories in a 4 pieces 1.6oz (45.000g) serving size of Candies, TWIZZLERS Strawberry Twists Candy. The calorie breakdown is 6% fat, 91% carbs, and 3% protein.

How many Twizzlers are in one pack? ›

TWIZZLERS Twists Strawberry Flavored Licorice Style Candy Packs, 2.5 oz (18 Count) TWIZZLERS Twists Strawberry Flavored Candy 4.5 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 527 Reviews.

What is the biggest Twizzler ever? ›

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest licorice twist ever made measured 1,200 feet (370 m) and 100 pounds (45 kg) and was made at the Y&S Candy Plant in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1998.

Can I eat Twizzlers everyday? ›

Licorice that contains glycyrrhizin is possibly unsafe when consumed in large amounts or for a long time. Eating licorice 5 grams or more daily for several weeks can cause severe side effects including heart attack. People who have heart disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure are more sensitive to it.

Are Twizzlers good for your stomach? ›

Fiber, as we know, helps move things through your digestive system. Overloading your stomach with gummies, Skittles, Sweet Tarts, and Twizzlers may leave you with a serious upset stomach and a backed up system, if you will.

How many Twizzlers should I eat? ›

Cassetty suggests limiting yourself to one Twizzler (so that you stay at about five grams of sugar) and taking your time eating it. “One Twizzler seems like a decent way to get a sweet fix,” she says. Gorin adds that because it can be difficult to stop at one, focus on taking small bites and enjoying the experience.

How much sugar is in strawberry Twizzlers? ›

Candies, TWIZZLERS Strawberry Twists Candy, 1 pieces from 8 oz package
Protein (g)1.15
Sugars, total (g)17.84
Fiber, total dietary (g)0
Calcium, Ca (mg)0
Iron, Fe (mg)0.23
8 more rows

Do Twizzlers expire? ›

However, if properly stored, licorice candy has a shelf life of 6-12 months and will remain safe to consume well past its expiration date. So yes, it is safe to eat expired Twizzlers! The only time you need to worry is if there's an off smell or mold appears on your licorice.

What's better, Twizzlers or Red Vines? ›

Red Vines: Chewy, yet easily breakable, with a subtly sweet, nondescript berry flavor. Twizzlers: Considerably more gelatinous once chewed, and often adhere to teeth. The strawberry flavor and aroma are unmistakable, but so is the sweetness.

Are original Twizzlers cherry or strawberry? ›

What is the original TWIZZLERS Twists flavor? The original TWIZZLERS Twists flavor introduced in 1845 was licorice. In the mid 1970's, the company began to expand its flavors to include popular options such as strawberry, grape, and cherry. Today strawberry is the favorite TWIZZLERS Twists flavor.

What did Twizzlers used to be called? ›

The predecessors to Twizzlers were made by a company called Young & Smylie back in 1845. In 1902, Young & Smylie joined with two other small companies and incorporated into the National Licorice Company. In 1929, they created spiraled licorice sticks and called them Twizzlers.

Why is there a Twizzler shortage? ›

While some consumers think the candy shortage might be a hoax, Hershey, like many companies, is pointing at the pandemic, as well as Russia's invasion of Ukraine as culprits in supply chain shortages.

Is there red 40 in Twizzlers? ›

Brands that use Red Dye 40 include Skittles, Doritos and Twizzlers. All food color additives, including Red Dye 40, require FDA approval. The agency says food dyes are safe when used in accordance with regulations, which stipulate types of foods they can be used in, maximum amounts and labeling requirements.

Are Twizzlers a healthy snack? ›

But at 120 calories and 16 grams of sugar for three pieces, Twizzlers aren't a terrible choice if you eat less than the serving size. Cassetty suggests limiting yourself to one Twizzler (so that you stay at about five grams of sugar) and taking your time eating it.

Why are Twizzlers so addicting? ›

And yet, even though many people describe their flavor as “chemical, especially the aftertaste” (“it's literally pretend licorice,” a friend said to me), most agree that Twizzlers are sort of addicting. “It's like they have dopamine in them,” my pal Jasmine said. “It gets you hooked!”

Are red vines or Twizzlers healthier? ›

Twizzlers: With roughly twice as many calories as Red Vines, Twizzlers are loaded with added sugar and preservatives. These candies are both vegan-friendly and certified as kosher.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 5529

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.